Once you’ve logged onto the Team Room, you can find the policies and procedures by clicking on Document Library and then Policies & Procedures.
The following documents have been updated in the past year, and we ask you read the updated sections (in blue):
- Absence Holiday and Sickness Procedures
- Domestic Violence Policy
- Equity & Inclusion Policy
- Expenses Policy
- Finance Schedule of Delegation
- Fire Safety Procedure
- Health and Safety Policy
- How to Make a Safeguarding Referral
- HR Policy
- Information Governance Policy and Procedures
- Lone Working Policy
- Risk Assessment Procedure
- Safeguarding Adults Policy
- Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Procedures
Please visit the Team Room to read the above policies & procedures, and ensure you understand these documents before moving on.
By clicking the below “Mark Complete” button, you agree that you have read the updated documents above. A note of this will be made on your HR file.